Exercises – Long Day#
Exercise 1: Polar Form#
This exercise builds further upon Exercise 4a from the Short Day of Week 3. The numbers \(z_1=1+i\sqrt{3}\,\), \(z_2=-1+i\sqrt{3}\,\), \(z_3=-1-i\sqrt{3}\,\), and \(\,z_4=1-i\sqrt{3}\,\) are given.
Question a#
State the four numbers in polar form.
See Definition 3.6.1 to recap on what the polar form of a complex number is all about. You can use the results from Exercise 4a from Short Day of Week 3 to avoid double work.
\(z_1=2\mathrm e^{\frac{\pi}{3} i}\), \(z_2=2\mathrm e^{\frac{2\pi}{3} i}\), \(z_3=2\mathrm e^{\frac{-2\pi}{3} i}\), \(z_4=2\mathrm e^{\frac{-\pi}{3} i}.\)
Question b#
Use the polar form to compute \(z_1^{3}\), \(z_2^{3}\), \(z_3^{3}\), and \(z_4^{3}.\)
You can use the last part of Theorem 3.6.2 from the textbook to compute modulus and argument of an integer power of a complex number.
Question c#
Show that \(z_2\) and \(z_3\) are roots in the polynomial \(Z^3-8\).
See Definition 4.1.2 to read more about what precisely a root of a polynomial is.
Question d#
Determine a polynomial \(p(Z)\) in \(\mathbb{C}[Z]\) of degree three that has \(z_1\) and \(z_4\) as roots.
\(Z^3+8\) is a valid answer, and there are more options.
Exercise 2: First-Degree Polynomials#
A polynomial \(p(Z) \in \mathbb{C}[Z]\) is given by \(p(Z)=(2-i)Z+i.\)
Question a#
Find a root of the polynomial \(p(Z)\).
\(\frac15-\frac25 i\).
Question b#
Solve the polynomial equations \(p(z)=2\) and \(p(z)=-2+2i\).
The equation \(p(z)=2\) has the solution \(1\).
The equation \(p(z)=-2+2i\) has the solution \(-1\).
Exercise 3: Polynomial Arithmetics#
The following three polynomials in \(\mathbb{C}[Z]\) are given:
Question a#
Determine the degrees and leading coefficients of the three given polynomials.
Note that \(p_3(Z)\) is the same polynomial as \((1+i)Z^5-1\).
\(p_1(Z)\) has degree \(3\) and leading coefficient \(2\).
\(p_2(Z)\) has degree \(1\) and leading coefficient \(1\).
\(p_3(Z)\) has degree \(5\) and leading coefficient \(1+i\).
Question b#
Compute \(p_1(Z)+p_2(Z)+p_3(Z)\), \(ip_3(Z)\), and \(p_1(Z)p_2(Z)\).
\(i \cdot p_3(Z)=(-1+i)Z^5-i.\)
Exercise 4: Binomial Equations#
Question a#
Solve the binomial equation \(z^3=-8i\).
Binomial equations are equations of the form \(z^n=w\). These are solved using Theorem 4.4.1. In our case we have \(n=3\) and \(w=-8i\).
\(z^3=-8i\) has the solutions \(2i\), \(\sqrt{3}-i\), and \(-\sqrt{3}-i\).
Exercise 5: Binomial Second-Degree Equations with Real Right-Hand Sides#
Question a#
Let \(r\) be a positive real number. Use Theorem 4.2.1 to justify that the equation
has exactly two solutions which are given by \(i\sqrt{r}\) and \(-i\sqrt{r}\).
Question b#
Solve Question a again, but this time use Theorem 4.4.1.
Using Theorem 4.4.1 for solving equations of the form \(z^n=w\), in our case we have \(n=2\) and \(w=-r\).
What is the principal argument of a negative real number?
Question c#
Solve the equations \(z^2=-16\).
\(z^2=-16\) har the solutions \(-4i\) and \(4i\).
Exercise 6: Polynomials with Real Coefficients#
Question a#
Check without using a solution formula that \(-1+2i\) is a root of the polynomial \(3Z^2+6Z+15.\)
Definition 4.1.2 reveals how you can check whether a specific complex number is a root.
Question b#
Find another root of the polynomial \(3Z^2+6Z+15\) without using a solution formula.
Can the theory in the last part of Section 4.3 in the textbook be of use?
Exercise 7: Integer Powers and Polar Form#
Question a#
Write \(-1+\sqrt{3}i\) in polar form and use it in a similarly manner as in Example 3.6.2 to show that
Question b#
Let \(n\) be a natural number. Show the following:
First show that \((-1+\sqrt{3}i)^{3}=2^3\).
If \((-1+\sqrt{3}i)^{3}=2^3\), then \(((-1+\sqrt{3}i)^{3})^n=(2^3)^n\).
Exercise 8: Equations with the Exponential Function#
Question a#
We are given the numbers \(\,w_1=1\,,\,w_2=\mathrm e\,,\) and \(\,w_3=2i\,\). Find for \(n=1,\dots,3\) the set of all solutions in \(\mathbb C\) of the equations:
Lemma 3.6.1 from the textbook describes how to find the solutions to an equation in the form \(\mathrm e^z=w\).
An arbitrary argument of \(w\) is equal to the principal argument of \(w\) plus an integer multiple of \(2\pi\).
According to Lemma 3.6.1 every solution to the equation \(\mathrm e^z=1\) has the form \(z=i \mathrm{arg}(1)\). The principal argument of \(1\) is \(0\), but all possible arguments of \(1\) are equal to the principal argument plus an integer multiple of \(2\pi\). Hence, the equation \(\mathrm e^z=1\) has the solution set \(\{ ip2\pi \, \mid \, p \in \mathbb{Z}\}.\)
\(\mathrm e^z=\mathrm e\) has the solution set \(\{ 1+ip2\pi \, \mid \, p \in \mathbb{Z}\}.\)
\(\mathrm e^z=2i\) has the solution set \(\left\{ \ln(2)+i(\frac{\pi}{2}+p2\pi) \, \mid \, p \in \mathbb{Z}\right\}.\)
Question b#
Find the set of all solutions to the equation
The solution set is the union of the solution sets to the equations corresponding to \(n=1\) and \(n=3\) above.
Question c#
Show the first claim in Theorem 3.4.2, which is that \(\,\mathrm e^z \neq 0\,\) for all \(\,z\in\mathbb C\,\).
If \(z=a+bi\) is written in rectangular form, then Definition 3.4.1 implies that \(\mathrm e^z=\mathrm e^a \cdot (\cos(b)+\sin(b) i)\). Can this expression become zero?
Exercise 9: Complex Numbers and Pythagorean Triples#
A Pythagorean Triple \((a,b,c)\) consists of three natural numbers such that \(a>b\) and \(a^2+b^2=c^2\). An example is \((4,3,5).\)
Question a#
Show that if a triple \((a,b,c)\) of natural numbers is a Pythagorean Triple, then the complex number \(z=\frac{a}{c}+\frac{b}{c}i\) fulfills \(|z|=1\) and \(\mathrm{Re}(z)>\mathrm{Im}(z)\).
Question b#
Let us now assume that a complex number \(z\) fulfills \(|z|=1\) and \(\mathrm{Re}(z)>\mathrm{Im}(z)\) and that \(z\) can be written in the form \(z=\frac{a}{c}+\frac{b}{c}i\), where \(a,b\) and \(c\) are natural numbers. Show that \((a,b,c)\) is a Pythagorean Triple.
Question c#
Use the above insights and complex numbers to construct other Pythagorean Triples based on the triple \((4,3,5).\)
If the number \(z=\frac{a}{c}+\frac{b}{c}i\) gives rise to the Pythagorean Triple \((a,b,c)\), what then about the number \(z^2\) (or maybe \(i \cdot \overline{z}^2\))?