

Here you have access to the electronic version of the textbook of the course. Be aware, though, that you will need a physical version of the textbook both for the Weekly Tests as well as for the written exam in December. The textbook can be purchased in a physical form in the DTU Polyteknisk bookstore.

[01 - Logic]
[02 - Sets and functions]
[03 - Complex numbers]
[04 - Polynomials]
[05 - Recursion and induction]
[06 - Systems of linear equations]
[07 - Vectors and matrices]
[08 - Determinants]
[09 - Vector spaces]
[10 - Linear maps between vector spaces]
[11 - The eigenvalue problem and diagonalization]
[12 - Systems of linear ordinary differential equations of order one with constant coefficients]
[The full textbook]