Exercises – Long Day#

Exercise 1: The Division Algorithm#

Question a#

Determine using the division algorithm whether the polynomial \(d(Z)=Z^2+Z+1\) is a factor in the polynomial \(p(Z)=2Z^6-2\).

Question b#

Is \(Z^3+2\) a factor in \(Z^6+2Z^3+8\)?

Exercise 2: Multiplicity of Roots#

Question a#

We are being informed that \(-2\) is a root in the polynomial \(p(Z)=Z^5+4Z^4+4Z^3+5Z^2+20Z+20\). Determine the multiplicity of the root.

Question b#

Find a fourth-degree polynomial that has the roots \(0\), \(1\), and \(-1\) with multiplicities \(2\), \(1\), and \(1\), respectively.

Exercise 3: The Roots and Coefficients of a Polynomial#

Question a#

We are given a cubic (third-degree) polynomial \(p(Z)=Z^3+aZ^2+bZ+c \in \mathbb{R}[X]\) with \(a,b\), and \(c\) being some numbers that we do not yet know the values of. We are also informed that the numbers \(10\), \(2\), and \(3\) are roots in \(p(Z)\). Compute \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\).

Exercise 4: A Cubic Polynomial#

We are given the polynomial


In this exercise we will investigate the roots of the polynomial.

Question a#

Show that \(-3\) is a root in \(p(Z)\).

Question b#

Use the division algorithm to show that


Question c#

Now find all solutions within the complex numbers to the polynomial equation \(p(z)=0.\)

Exercise 5: Real Roots#

Question a#

Is the following proposition true?

Every polynomial \(p(Z) \in \mathbb{R}[Z]\) of degree four has a real root.

Either prove the proposition true or provide a counterexample.

Exercise 6: Factorizing in order to Reduce#

We are informed that \(i\) and \(1+i\) are roots in the polynomial


Use this info to reduce the following fraction:


Exercise 7: Factors with Real Coefficients#

Find all roots in \(\mathbb C\) in the following polynomial and then write the polynomials as a product of polynomials with real coefficients of lowest possible degree.

  1. \(Z^3+Z-2.\)

  2. \(Z^2+2Z+1.\)

  3. \(Z^3-Z^2-3Z+2.\)

Exercise 8: Complex Roots and Factors with Real Coefficients#

A polynomial \(p(Z) \in \mathbb{R}[Z]\) of degree four is given in the form \(Z^4+aZ^3+bZ^2+cZ+d\). We are informed that \(p(i)=0\) and \(p(2+i)=0\). Now answer the following questions:

Question a#

Compute all roots of \(p(Z)\).

Question b#

Write \(p(Z)\) as a product of two quadratic polynomials with real coefficients.

Question c#

Compute \(a,b,c,\) and \(d\).

Exercise 9: Secret Sharing and the Division Algorithm#

We are tasked with uncovering a secret code, known to be the value of \(p(10)\), where \(p(Z)\) is a specific polynomial of degree no higher than three with integer coefficients. A so-called share of this code is given to person A, defined as the remainder \(r_1(Z)\) from dividing \(p(Z)\) by \(d(Z)=Z^2+1\) using the division algorithm. Another share is given to person B, which is the remainder \(r_2(Z)\) from dividing \(p(Z)\) by \(d(Z)=Z^2-1\) using the division algorithm.

Question a#

Person A is now informed that \(r_1(Z)=7Z-2\). Determine two different polynomials \(p_1(Z)\) and \(p_2(Z)\) with integer coefficients and degrees no higher than three that both yield a remainder of \(7Z-2\) when divided by \(d(Z)=Z^2+1\) using the division algorithm. Conclude that person A cannot uncover the secret code on his own. (A similar argument shows that person B also cannot crack the secret code alone).

Question b#

Now persons A and B meet and reveal their shares to each other. The shares are \(r_1(Z)=7Z-2\) and \(r_2(Z)=11Z+18\). Determine the secret code.