Exercises – Short Day#

Exercise 1: The SymPy Exercise#

In this exercise we will use SymPy to analyse a linear map. The complex vector spaces \(V_1 = \{ p(Z) \in \mathbb{C}[Z] \, \mid \, \deg p(Z) \le 6\}\) and \(V_2=\mathbb{C}^5\) are defined. Furthermore the linear map \(L: V_1 \to V_2\) given by \(p(Z) \mapsto (p(0),p(2i),p(1),p(-3),p(1+2i))\) is defined.

Question a#

We choose the ordered basis \(\beta=(1,Z,Z^2,Z^3,Z^4,Z^5,Z^6)\) in \(V_1\) and the ordered standard basis \(\gamma\) in \(V_2.\) Determine the mapping matrix \({}_\gamma[L]_\beta\) and enter the matrix into SymPy. All computations with complex numbers can be done using SymPy.

Question b#

Find a basis for \(\mathrm{ker}(L)\).

Spørgsmål c#

Find a polynomial \(p(Z) \in V_1\) of lowest possible degree such that \(L(p(Z))=(1,3,1,3,1)\).

Exercise 2: Vector Equations and Image Spaces#

We define the following function:

\[\begin{split}M: \mathbb{R}^{2 \times 3} \to \mathbb{R}^{2 \times 2}\, , \quad {\mathbf A} \mapsto {\mathbf A} \cdot \left[\begin{array}{rr}1 & 2\\ 0 & 0\\ 2 & 1\end{array}\right].\end{split}\]

Question a#

Show that \(M\) is a linear map between real vector spaces and provide a basis for \(\mathrm{ker}(M).\)

Question b#

Use the rank-nullity theorem (Corollary 10.4.3 from the textbook) to show that \(\dim(\mathrm{image}(M))=4\). Conclude that \(\mathrm{image}(M)=\mathbb{R}^{2 \times 2}\).

Question c#

Justify that the equation \(M({\mathbf A})=\left[\begin{array}{rr}3 & 3\\ 3 & 3\end{array}\right]\) has a solution based on the result from Question b.

Now find the solution set.

Exercise 3: Linear Maps and Differentiation#

As in Example 9.3.4 in the textbook the notation \(C_\infty(\mathbb{R})\) symbolises the real vector space consisting of all functions from \(\mathbb{R}\) to \(\mathbb{R}\) that can be differentiated any number of times. In this exercise we consider the linear map \(M: C_\infty(\mathbb{R}) \to C_\infty(\mathbb{R})\) that is given by the expression \(M(f)=f'+f\), where \(f \in C_\infty(\mathbb{R})\) and where \(f'\) denotes the derivative of function \(f\).

Question a#

We are informed that \(\dim \mathrm{ker}(M)=1\). Find a basis for \(\mathrm{ker}(M)\).

Question b#

Determine the solution sets to the following equations

  1. \(M(f)=\mathrm e^{t}\).

  2. \(M(f)=t\).

  3. \(M(f)=\mathrm e^{-t}\).

Exercise 4: Linear Map from a Polynomial Space#

Let \(V_1=\{a+bZ+cZ^2 \, \mid \, a,b,c \in \mathbb{R}\}\) be a subspace of the real vector space \(\mathbb{R}[Z]\) consisting of all polynomials of degree no higher than two. We define a function \(L: V_1 \to \mathbb{R}\) by the expression \(p(Z) \mapsto p'(1)\). Here \(p'(Z)\) denotes the derivative of \(p(Z)\).

Question a#

Compute \(L(Z^2+Z)\) and \(L(5Z^2-10Z+4)\).

Question b#

Show that \(L\) is a linear map between real vector spaces.

Question c#

Determine a basis for \(\mathrm{ker}(L)\).

Question d#

Use the rank-nullity theorem (Corollary 10.4.3 in the textbook) to conclude that the given linear map \(L\) is surjective.

Exercise 5: Injective Linear Maps#

A function \(f: A \to B\) is called injective if and only if for all \(a_1,a_2 \in A\) it holds true that \(f(a_1)=f(a_2)\) implies \(a_1=a_2\). For example see the text right before Example 2.2.4 in the textbook. In this exercise we will investigate what it means for a linear map \(L: V_1 \to V_2\) between two vector spaces \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) over \(\mathbb{F}\) to be injective.

Question a#

Assume that a linear map \(L: V_1 \to V_2\) is injective. Show that then \(\mathrm{ker}(L)=\{{\mathbf 0}\}.\)

Question b#

Assume that a linear map \(L: V_1 \to V_2\) is given and that \(\mathrm{ker}(L)=\{{\mathbf 0}\}.\) Show that in that case \(L\) is injective.

Question c#

Conclude from the previous two questions that a linear map \(L: V_1 \to V_2\) is injective if and only if \(\mathrm{ker}(L) = \{{\mathbf 0}\}.\)